
Invite To Write: Adversity Overcoming a Vehicle Accident by Donna Zephrine

Over the summer, we asked participants to pick a prompt from our Writing Prompt Challenge and write. In the past months, we have shared several of these pieces.


The final piece is “Adversity Overcoming a Vehicle Accident“ by Donna Zephrine.

Prompt: The time I had to make a choice.


Adversity Overcoming a Vehicle Accident


It was December, 2021 it was 35 degrees the was no snow, nor ice or rain that night , almost midnight and a few days before Christmas. I was on a main Long Island highway, in the middle lane, and driving home after work. The road seemed empty at the time, except for a white 4X4 truck. I thought the guy was driving normally, but then, as he decided to pass me, he swerved and his truck tipped to the right. He came very close in hitting me.


Although I was shaken, my experience as a driver afforded me to make the correct choice. I accelerated and passed him. After my successful pass, I looked into my rearview mirror and noticed his truck had flipped over onto its roof. It came to rest on the right side of the highway. Now, I made another split-second choice; one of a good Samaritan. I credit my action with years of training as an Army Soldier, to the teachings of the bible, and also, I am a Social Worker, where people are my priority. I stopped my car in the left lane and put on my hazard lights. I also dialed 911. As I was doing this, a van hit my car from behind.


The force was so hard, that the impact pushed my car across the highway and into another vehicle, who had also stopped to help. Here, my choices were limited by the impact, so I braced myself as my car plowed into the other one. Miraculously, no one was seriously hurt.


After the impact my reaction my driver’s side of the door was crushed, and I was not able to open it. I panicked and I was in fear that my vehicle may spark and go on fire. I tried to go on the passenger’s side of the car to get out. I was able to get out and I was in shock of what had occurred. I said to myself wow my car was hit and appears to be totaled. I had recently got my car painted. Afterwards I was thinking, I hope I haven’t sustained any major injuries from the accident. There was gentleman who came and was trying to open the door, he was unable to and he stated, “help will be on the way”. Once the medics arrived, they checked on me and the other people involved in the accident. I informed the medic that I would like to be taken to the hospital to be checked out. The ambulance put me on a stretcher. They then put me into the ambulance and we left the scene. As I was in the ambulance, I remember asking the medic if she could please pass me my bag so I could get my inhaler for my asthma. The sirens were on and they drove off. My heart was racing, and I was thinking about calling my home to let my mother know what happened. I was in the emergency room for some time. The doctors came and checked me out. They asked me some questions and I mentioned to them that I needed to have x-rays taken. When I met with the doctors, they wanted me to stand and walk. I explained the best I could about the accident that had occurred. They stated at that point there was no need to take x-rays because of the radiation. The doctor then told me to follow up with my primary care doctor about the accident if I started to have a lot of pain.


It was and is still hard to get back into a car. My ptsd became worse after the accident and is still a daily struggle. With my Geico vehicle insurance I learned if a car is in total loss that they only give a week of a rented car. For me that is was not enough time to find a replacement vehicle. I was a little nervous to get behind the wheel of a car again. On Long Island NY you need a vehicle to get around. I took an uber to get a rental car and was informed by the representative from the company about the criteria of coverage. I was disappointment about the amount of time I had to use the rental car and thought to myself, I am paying monthly for insurance and assumed if some emergency arises that I would be covered.


I always wondered why his vehicle swerved. Was he drinking? Was it some type of vehicle malfunction?


I often think about the accident and the time of the season—

Please, ponder this, if you will— Were, all involved in the accident given the gift of life by a higher power because it was nearing Christmas time? Were we selected?

I still think about that car flipping over and it reminds me of the bumps I used to take in my service with the military. I continue with physical therapy to this day due to the accident.

But, I am truly grateful to be here with you today; able to tell my story.

Thank you.



